This is hands down my favorite hot weather snack. Is it hot where you are? It’s about 95 degrees here and I have about a million cucumbers growing in my garden. Sadly, in this heat, the cucumbers are about all I have growing at the moment. But I’ll take my cucumbers and be happy about them. And make salad. This one is generally in my fridge all summer long because it’s just so quick and easy, and it keeps for days. I also find that it’s a great way to add in sea vegetables. They’re not necessary here: the cucumbers are delicious on their own. But sea vegetables are really healthy for you… Give them a try! I usually eat this alone (standing up) but these cucumbers also work great as a condiment for sandwiches or burgers… an easy side to go along with whatever you’re grilling (although for a grilling side, replace wakame with red onion slices). Best served icy cold.