Ok, so aside from watching the Cubs win this year, I’m not what you would call a sports fan. I know the Super Bowl is this Sunday but I have no clue who’s playing and if I had to guess (without googling it), I’d embarrass myself by naming teams from the wrong sport. But sportsball aside, here are a bunch of taco-nacho-ey-pizza-ish recipes that you might consider serving this weekend. I’d be game to eat any of these… game or no game. pictured above: Super Stuffed Chipotle Sweet Potatoes
pictured above: Healthy Loaded Vegan Nachos Mango Goji Guacamole / Sweet Potato Avocado Tacos
pictured above: Mini Potato Pizzas with Purple Potatoes & Arugula
pictured above: Nacho Snacks with Carrot Queso / Molly’s Cauliflower Shawarma Tacos Portabello Tacos with Vegan Jalapeño Sauce / Kiwi Avocado Salsa Verde